The VC Logo

The VC Logo

The Vicious Circle Story: Behind our name and logo.

VC has been a frontrunner in the custom apparel business for 25+ years: we’ve travelled the world offering high-quality product for players from all walks of life; we’ve outfitted champions as well as fun pick-up tournaments; but no matter how long we’ve been around, we consistently get asked this:

“What does VC stand for?”

VC stands for Vicious Circle. Right away, we realize ‘vicious’ may have negative connotations in a traditional sense, but we think of it more as a force to be reckoned with – in a positive, change-making way.

If you look at synonyms of ‘vicious’, you’ll find fierce, competitive, powerful, and strong – which are all adjectives we aim to embody. We are fierce in our activism to help bring equity to sport; we are competitive in our drive to create the best designs and product on the market; and we are powerful and strong, a diverse company standing up to make a difference.

We want to be known as people who took a vicious stand in focusing on taking down systems of oppression in our community and making sport inclusive for all.

A vicious circle is also defined as a chain of events that reinforce themselves through a feedback loop by utilizing either positive or negative feedback. This doesn’t mean ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but rather negative feedback counteracts change, and positive feedback reinforces change. This is where we see VC rooted: a vicious circle of positive feedback to reinforce change in our community, which is evident in the social activism we do and support.

And what about our logo?

The icon in our logotype recalls a person holding their arms up in victory, bringing to mind the necessary energy, passion, and commitment one makes to themselves and their teammates in order to achieve greatness. It reinforces our unique characteristics: innovative products with a focus on design, social responsibility and being community-oriented, with a drive to always move forward and be the best.

Ours is a simple logo with a rich history of innovators, change-makers and community members. We share this background information in hopes of painting a picture of who we are at VC Ultimate: we are a group of individuals driven to create more than just ultimate apparel. We are people willing to viciously stick to our values in hopes to incite change.

Every team who chooses VC enters the Vicious Circle, and we are always looking for more.

If you have any questions or thoughts about our logo, or you’d like to learn more about becoming a part of the VC community, send us an email at – we’d love to chat!