Custom Orders and the VC Card
By now you should know that becoming a VC Card member entitles you to a 15% discount in our online store, plus multiple other perks.
The question on everyone’s mind: Can I use that discount code in my team’s custom store?
Don’t hold your breath anymore - we have the answer!
Can I use my VC Card Discount on a Custom Order?
Yes… and no. Let us explain, and please do get in touch if we can clarify any details further. We're here to help.
Sponsorship Agreements
If your team has a sponsorship agreement, the discounts have already been incorporated into your team store’s prices. You may not combine discounts, however be assured that VC Card Members will receive at least 15% off on any regular retail price.
Moving Forward
Each team store will be set up using our regular retail prices, and the team will be provided with a discount code reflecting their package deal or sponsorship agreement (if applicable) to forward to all their players. As we only allow one discount code per order, you will be able to choose the code that is most advantageous for your purchase (your own VC Card discount or the team discount).
This way, VC Card Members will always receive 15% off on their team orders.
We trust that VC Card Members will honour the spirit of the program and only make personal purchases using their code. We will follow up on any orders that look otherwise to make sure you fully understand this policy.
BONUS: you can use your VC Card membership discount on a bulk team order! Bulk orders are easier and faster, since Team Stores need more time and resources to build up. That's why we'll make that exception.
If you have any questions about your team’s agreement, please contact your VC rep - we're here to help!