Ultimate Canada Conference 2016
What I'm hoping to gain and give from this year's Ultimate Canada Conference.
A message from VC's CEO:
Today I'm headed to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the 2016 Ultimate Canada Conference. I could not be more excited for my first visit to Saskatchewan and to spend quality time with 100 inspiring and dedicated individuals to discuss ultimate.
As presenting sponsor for the conference, VC is honored with the opportunity to address the organizers, delegates, presenters and sponsors at the welcome meet and greet that we host tonight. Usually I use this time to talk about what's new and exciting with VC - accomplishments we've been proud of and plans for the future.
This year, however, I don’t have it in me to talk about ourselves in that way. Please don't get me wrong, I am so very proud of our company and the people that work hard every day to provide the ultimate community with quality products. I'm so proud of all of our partnerships here in Canada and around the world and I'm happy to discuss these things with anyone at any other time.
This year just feels different and I'm instead inspired to use my allotted few minutes to talk about an idea that's been swirling in my head since first hearing Michelle Obama's epic line: When they go low, we go high. Focusing on the "we go high" part, I'm inspired to talk about what I believe to my core is ultimate's ability to promote Going High.
I'm excited to share my feelings about what this means to me and how I feel about our sport and our inclusive, open minded and supportive community. To hear from the individuals at this conference about their feelings on our sport and the positive ways in which they have seen ultimate inspire through its dedication to its core values, including Spirit of the Game. I'm honored to have the opportunity to hopefully spark a conversation about what Going High means to ultimate, and to share the collection of messages with our ultimate friends around the world.
In my mind, ultimate is all about Going High. I look forward to sharing and listing to you and I hope that you'll join us in this conversation.
With much love and respect,