Shorts Enthusiasts - We Hear You!
Ultimate players - you have been heard! Although there's certainly a lot of love out there for our world-famous GOAT shorts, in a recent fitting survey we received feedback that players would like more variance in the length.
In our unisex products we strive for fits that are comfortable for all
shapes and sizes, but we also understand that it's hard to find the right cut to please everyone. When we introduced our women's cut for shorts it was in answer to ladies who were looking for comfy gear that fit their style: more like soccer or running shorts than basketball shorts. We upped the ante recently with the introduction of women's cut Micro shorts: all the quality and comfort of VC women's shorts, now also in our new Microfibre moisture-wicking material!
The bottom line:
We'll be working to provide more variation in our shorts sizing: XS and Smalls will get shorter, Large and XL and XXL will get longer. Otherwise the fit will remain the same!
What this means for you:
All our current shorts undergoing size changes must go go GO! Every pair of FlexLight shorts in our inventory (minus the mediums - sorry but those aren't changing) are priced to sell at $14.50 USD / $19 CAD!
Place a team order or pick up a pair of discount shorts and fall in love all over again with VC FlexLight material, plus your favorite vintage cuts! Available in black, charcoal, medium grey, navy, royal blue, ink blue and white - while supplies last! Women's cut GOAT shorts are also on sale, available in black!
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