Our favourite thing about Ultimate is the community and we are always excited about events that bring our amazing community together. Well, lucky for us and everyone else, Huck It Back is THE ultimate reunion event. More information below!
More information can be found here!
HUCK it BACK: Huck it Back is the ultimate reunion event. On the beautiful Coronado Beach in San Diego, generations of Ultimate players (1970's to 2000's) will reunite and celebrate our sport and community in a variety of ways:
- Play in a unique HAT tournament with an amazing group of Ultimate players/legends from the last 4 decades. Reconnect with old friends from near and far, and play on teams with old teammates and former adversaries.
- Give back to the sport by supporting 5 non-profit organizations, started by your peers, all of whom use our sport for social good. All fees from registration (beyond covering costs) will be distributed evenly among them.
- Celebrate community members who we have lost over the years with games, tributes and sharing memories.
Why this October in San Diego? Because Ultimate is turning 50, and there is a big party going down. Keep reading!
HAT TOURNAMENT: Huck it Back will be a mixed (co-ed) tournament. There will be two divisions to accommodate the years that have passed… The "Competitive" Division will involve lots of running and diving. The "Recreational" Division will likely involve more jogging and lunging. Whatever suits you - your choice. On the registration page you’ll be asked if there are specific players (or players from specific teams) with whom you’d like to play. We’ll make every effort to accommodate these requests. There will be plenty of food, friends, and festivities, not to mention the beautiful Pacific Ocean, to make this momentous celebration rock. You will get a sweet high quality team jersey, a beautiful Huck it Back disc, and a bunch of other Ultimate swag. And, the Tournament Director is none other than legendary Ultimate 4th of July organizer, Lou Burke! So come on, drag your old teammates out to San Diego and Huck it Back!
FUNDRAISER: The 5 organizations will be supported in two ways: 1. All proceeds from the tournament after expenses will be split among them. 2. The registration page provides space for you to make additional donations to the charities of your choice. These are the Huck it Back charities, all founded by Ultimate players who wanted to use Ultimate and Spirit of the Game to make the world a better place:
MEMORIAL GAMES: Sadly, many great friends in our wonderful community have passed over the years. We would like to take advantage of being all together, and celebrate their awesome contributions and memories with fun games. At noon, we'll take a break from playing for a community lunch, then those competing in the tourney and those signed up for the Memorial Games will join together and have some fun! Here's how it will work. Anyone can step up and lead a game in someone's honor. For example, this past year, we had to say painful goodbyes to Don "Sauce" Cain and Scott "Masher" Hollinger. Maybe someone will want to facilitate an MTA contest to remember Don, still the World Record holder! Or honor Masher with a long MAC line or one of his favorite reindeer games. Please consider bringing forth a game to commemorate someone you want us all to rememeber together. Just email Bob Riddell, Master of Memorial Games ceremonies, with your idea! briddell@pangeaenv.com
50th REUNION: Huck it Back will happen alongside the 50th Anniversary Reunion and Celebration - 3 days of fun and entertaining events put on for Alumni by the Ultimate Foundation. As both events are also co-located with the USAU National Club Championships, we will all be treated to watching the best Ultimate in the world (almost as good as when we played). Just register for different reunion events at the following link once you finish registering on this site for Huck it Back (you can come right back to this page): https://secure.theultimatefoundation.org/np/clients/ultimatefoundation/event.jsp?event=6&
So sign up today, come to San Diego, encourage your friends to join, and live Ultimate once again. Who knows when we will do this again (2068?)?
Your Hosts,
David Barkan, Ultimate Peace and Jim Gerencser, E.R.I.C.