Who doesn't like a fresh disc design?

Rounding out our fancy carp-inspired design collection, we are proud to introduce to you the new Koi disc, as well as our new Masters of Ultimate disc paying tribute to all the old school - literally and figuratively - players growing this exciting division at all levels of play. 


We're most excited about this disc though - our new Without Limits Ultimate #ShePersisted disc.

About Without Limits

Michelle Ng started creating women's tournaments at a time where equity across divisions at tournaments was few and far between. She built an environment that showcased the best of women's ultimate -- from the camaraderie to the competition, to the dance-offs and universe point games. While progress has been made, there is still work to be done.

"Nevertheless, she persisted" is an expression adopted by the feminist movement, especially in the United States. It became popular in 2017 after the United States Senate voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren's objections to confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell uttered this sentence during comments following the vote in an effort to defend the Senate's actions and blame Senator Warren. (Wikipedia)

Meet Thomas!

If you have ordered anything from our online store before, you might have met Thomas, our awesome online store coordinator!

A few things you need to know about Thomas... He loves "mom notes" (handwritten thank you notes occasionally received from moms after he's helped them out with a size exchange or something) and keeps them posted on a bulletin board on his desk, which he built himself and stands at 90% of the time.

He once spent 3 hours (literally... not his strong suit) trying to gift wrap an order for a customer overseas, during our busiest time of year!

Thomas also never, ever says no to random requests to draw animals on packages. We welcome you to test him!
