When it comes to finding models for VC, we have one thing in mind: who cares?
Who cares where you're from? Who cares what you look like? Who cares what society deems "attractive"? Who. Cares.
We only care about one thing: that you are part of our community.
VC gear is for everyone. We appreciate every person wearing our apparel, and that brings us a great amount of pride—especially if people of all shapes, sizes, and genders are comfortable in what we make.
Why are we telling you this? We want to ensure we have a diverse group of community members showcasing our gear to the world and we need models to help make that happen!
Interested in Being a VC Model?
All you need to do is send a short essay (1-2 paragraphs) and a headshot to info@vcultimate.com answering the following:
- What is your ultimate story?
- Why do you love ultimate? What does the ultimate community mean to you?
- Why and how do you think you could support us in spreading our brand values?
- Why should you be a VC Model?
If you know someone who would be a perfect model, we are also accepting nominations! Send in an application for them, but maybe warn them so we don't surprise them with a photoshoot.
The Rules
There are just three simple rules you must follow:
- You have to be an athlete coming to WUCC in Cincinnati next month.*
- Do not tell us anything about your size, gender, race, etc. in your essay. We want your story to be the main way we get to know you.
- Send us a photo of yourself in a separate file; we will only look at it near the end of the selection process.
*We'll be launching more initiatives in the future to be inclusive of as many parts of our community as possible. Does your league have an infamous photographer? Let's talk!
Model Selection
The selection process was a real puzzle for us. We wanted to be able to read stories and pick our 10 favourite; however, how would we know that we didn't pick 10 people who all looked the same? We sought out advice from the community and this is what we've decided.
We'll pick our 15-20 favourite applications based on their stories only. From there, we will look at the photos and pick 10 applicants who represent a large variety of backgrounds in our community.
The 10 chosen athletes will be invited to pick out a full outfit—head to toe—on the VC online store. We'll bring their gear to WUCC with us and do a photo shoot at the tournament. Once the shoot is done, you can keep the outfit you choose! We'll also hook up all the models with copies of the photos—taken by a professional photographer by the way!
Thank you for taking the time and helping us continue our journey towards being #OnlyTheBest.
Want to read more about VC's values, including the Face of Ultimate campaign we designed for WFDF? Check out the About VC section on our website.
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